Welcome, friend!
We know we are children of God… but we don’t always feel like we’re safe in the hands of a loving Father. Looking after kids in care has shone a spotlight on the struggles I have in letting go, trusting him and living loved, and I'm really excited to share my learning with you.
About Me
Hey! I'm so glad you're here. I'm Bob and I foster teenagers.
They struggle to trust I can care for them. They don't really believe I love them. They use a million tricks to hide their pain and pretend everything's just fine. They push me away.
Just like me and my heavenly Father.
So I'm a child of God with attachment disorder... and I think I'm not the only one! Maybe you can identify too? If so, come on, we can walk together as we try to learn to call him Daddy.
Oh, and I love taking photos. It slows me down and helps me take in the beauty that shines even in this messed up creation. I hope the pictures I've included will slow you down too... and help you take in the beauty that shines even in our messed up lives.
Names and details of all young people on this blog are changed to protect their identities
Let’s connect
Comments, questions, encouragement, stories -
get in touch, the journey is easier together